Types of Loans
Home Loans
Are you:
- Looking to buy?
- Upgrade or renovate your home?
Or do you need help on:
- Should you have a fixed or variable loan?
- Want to know if a Redraw or Offset suits you best?
Or do you want to:
- Reduce your interest rate?
- Pay off you loan sooner?
Let us help you demystify the world of mortgages & we can help look into finding the right home loan solution for you.

Investment Loans
If you are looking to buy your first investment property or add to your existing property portfolio?
Let us help you look at your options in regards to:
- How to get your first investment property
- Make sure you have a competitive interest rate
- Making sure your loans are structured correctly

Home Refinancing
Did you know most lenders
- Price their front books (new loans) and back books (existing loans) differently? Meaning that that new borrowers can get better deals than existing customers of their current lender
- So it pays to shop around – speak to us to see if we can get you a better deal and save you thousands of dollars

Commercial Property Loan
Do you want to:
- Look at purchasing a warehouse of office for your business?
- Invest in commercial real estate?
Our experience in accounting can make sure these loans are structured correctly and tax effectively